Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Internet Chats

It's another round of Jass. Reads. Books.
I'm your host: Jass. Not the same one who reads books, but the other one who wastes time on the internet. A sentence written solely to transition into this post's book-
Book #8: A Dystopian Novel: Notes from the Internet Apocalypse by Wayne Gladstone. 

Actually, I'm going to back track a little before I dive into this novel. It's been a while since we've all sat around our desk/laptops and just chatted. How have you been? What's going on? The kids look taller.  
There, isn't that nice? I feel like we've really bonded just now, and I want you all to know that...my dog once farted in my ear.

And...we're back to the book! So I'm kind of cheating a little bit with the category I've placed this book into. It's not really a typical dystopian world that one thinks of when reading the genre. There's no Katniss playing a game of Hungry, Hungry, Hippos, or 1984 being a boring season of the hit show Big Brother. No, this is a book about the internet disappearing. So it's a million times worse than anything that could possibly happen. Imagine living in the now, without the net? Seems like no big deal right? Except...if you didn't have the internet, you couldn't be reading this blog! THE HORROR! OH, THE HORROR!

Notes from the Internet Apocalypse takes place in our present, or technically a few years ago, and as mentioned the internet has just disappeared. Like vanished without a trace, and no one knows why or how. We're introduced to our protagonist Gladstone (Yes, the author named his character after himself--egotistical twat! Also follow him on twitter, he's pretty funny! He wrote for Cracked, which is basically the only reason I ever heard of this book!) and his recount of what happened. The novel is written as a journal (hence the "notes" part of the title) which is not usually a style I enjoy. My thought is always, if it's a journal, it's the past. If it's the past, I don't see why I need to care because a) everything worked out, or b) the writer is dead. There's nothing I can do at this point. However, I did enjoy it in this book. It worked really well for the journey Gladstone goes on. You see, he and his friend Tobey, decide they should go on a quest to find the internet and bring it back. Along the way they meet a bunch of characters: Oz, a young Australian woman, Jeeves, a psychic/living wikipedia, a special NET Recovery agent (newly created in the dire times of no net), and more.

I love this cover
 This is really where Gladstone's work shines: In his descriptions of people and moments. He has some fantastically hilarious lines and I found myself laughing out loud in surprised bursts. The quest is quite funny and the pace of the novel really helps it. He also utilizes a lot of comedy tools like repetition, witty banter, etc. (the etc. is there to hide I don't know what else a comedian needs...jokes? I don't know? Ask that guy on Seinfeld, whatever his name is.) There is an earnestness in the book, that makes the main character likeable. Not super likeable, but enough that you're like- guy, you're okay!

Jeeves (my favourite character) dubs Gladstone the "Internet Messiah" after a premonition. Remember, he's psychic. This sets a slew of people after Gladstone, but luckily for him-they don't know what he looks like. A cult forms around Jeeves to find him, and a radical Christian sect goes on a witch hunt. Additionally the government is looking for him. The interesting thing about this book is that despite being so absurd, it's kind of believable. I mean, not really...but I never really questioned the premise or the plot. That's pretty rare for me. I think part of it is how well it suits a journal style narration, but it's also that Gladstone (Character) recognizes how absurd the world has become. He's just trying to live in it. Which is pretty true to real life.

If you can't tell, I really liked this book. It's particularly funny if you know the internet. You see, because the internet has disappeared-there are people who can't handle it and have become zombies. Not literal zombies, but aimless people who are looking for like minded people to recreate their part of the internet. They hang out in groups based around which area of the web they frequented: YouTube, Reddit, etc. They are frightening in their political message(implied) and hilarious in their descriptions (opposite of implied). Gladstone (Author) particularly gives it to the 4Chan squad. The best is the internet concept of Rule 34 (If it exists, or you can think it, there is porn of it on the internet) taken to it's most literal interpretation with a "club" that caters to all needs. Fill out a form, pay a fee, and the club will set it up. It's both bizarre and delightful...especially if you know the internet.

Another thread that runs through this book is the concept of broken connections: Particularly the moments Gladstone flashes back to memories of his dead wife. We get a look into the character's internal life, and it speaks volumes in minimal scenes. It's probably what keeps this book grounded.

One of the things I disliked is the frequent use of the word "retarded". It wasn't really used in a derogatory sense, but it's still not cool. 

Would I recommend you read this book? I would. It takes an interesting turn in the end and sets up the next book. There's a lot of good social commentary in what is a fairly "out there" premise. Gladstone's a good writer and can keep your attention and the flow of the story going.
Check it out!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Exclusive Interview with Jessica Jarman, and Bronwyn Green!

Hello everyone! Welcome to a special edition of this blog: Today we have authors/editors Bronwyn Green and Jessica Jarman joining us! I got the pleasure to interview them both a little about their writing practices, useful criticism, and of course books you should read! They did a fantastic and professional job of answering my amateurish questions, and random tangents! Lets dive in shall we?

Lets hear a little about Bron-

Bronwyn Green (BG): I write young adult fiction under Christine Allen-Riley and erotic romance under Bronwyn Green. I’m also a mom, a wife, a blogger, a compulsive crafter (mostly knitting & sewing and also pottery and cross stitching when I have time) and I’m also a binge watcher of Netflix.

And you Jess?

Jessica Jarman (JJ): I write erotic romance. I’m also a wife, mom, and super obnoxious fangirl of many things. (Shocker, I know) When I’m not writing, I’m spending time with family and friends, attempting to be crafty and often failing, and marathoning, and squeeing uncontrollably, over my fave shows.

Jass: Great introductions ladies! And I love YA and Children's Literature, Bron. It's my super guilty, but deliciously enjoyable pleasure! I’ll definitely have to pick up a copy of your books!

BG: I love YA and Children’s Lit, too! I have a pretty large collection of children’s books. But The Paper Bag Princess will forever be my fave. :D But there are so many absolutely amazing books out there. Noble Hearted Kate is another favorite. Oh, and Drac and the Gremlin. One of the coolest books on pretend play that I’ve ever seen. Sadly, I think these both might be out of print, now. Have you read The Scorpio Races or The Raven Boys/Raven Cycle? Ah-MAZ-ing!!! I’m anxiously awaiting the last book in the series. Oh, my YA is called Iron Falls: Eventide. (homicidal soul-sucking faeries) :)

Jass: I actually did start the Raven Boys; borrowed the first book from the library but for reasons I can't remember, never finished it. I should check it out again. I'll definitely keep my eye out for your book: Homicidal Faeries are my favourite kind! Muhwahahahha!
So lets get started with the difficult questions shall we? And by that I mean, lets see if I can formulate something articulate to ask you, without sounding like a total dafty!

What are you currently working on?

BG: I’m currently working on two books - the second book in my paranormal YA series, Iron Falls, under my real name, and my next contribution to my and Jess’ BOUND series—it’s called In Bounds.

JJ: I’m [also] currently working on the next book in Bron and my BOUND series—Safeword Protected—and the next ALBION book, Into the Deep.

Jass: Safeword Protected, what a title!  Sounds super intriguing-what's being protected? Why is it so important...Why have I not read this already? Don't talk to me, go finish this book...while I catch up! As usual, excitement carried me away to semi-lunacy. I'm back on track now, so lets go into process then-

How do you form the story? How do you start and what are the elements you feel need to be there to be a solid start (if not complete book) ?

BG: First off, you should know that I’m the pantsiest pantser that ever pantsed. [Pantser refers to writers who "fly by the seat of their pants", or just kind of sit down and write, and see where it takes them, instead of plotting everything down before starting.] Myusual M.O. goes a lot like 1.) Get a snippet of dialogue stuck in my head. 2.) Figure out who’s saying what to who and why. 3.) Imagine the rest of the scene and write it down. 4.) Think about the characters in the scene and who else is part of their lives. 5.) Figure out what the main characters’ problem/issue/need/want/childhood trauma is. 6.) Get some more sort of vague, story-shaped ideas that might be incorporated at some point. 7.) Think about what needed to happen prior to that first bit of dialogue that first popped into my head in order for that dialogue to occur in the first place. 8.) From there, come up with a reasonable starting place for the story and begin. 9.) Write until I reach the spots I have notes for. 10.) Cry and wish that I were an actual plotter instead of a pantser, and call Jess for therapy and brainstorming. 
[Jass: Look at how adorable these two are! Friends, collaborators, sounding walls! I love it-brings tears to my cynical little heart!]

I know some people who meticulously plot the book from beginning to end before they write a single word of the story. But as much as I often wish that was a skill that was in my wheelhouse, it just isn’t. So, I guess the short answer (too late) to this question is I need to “hear" one or more of the main characters in my head, know at least a little about who they are as people, have a general idea about their goals and conflicts, and have at least one future plot point that I’m writing toward.

JJ: I’ve always been a pantser—I don’t need a whole lot to start a story, to be honest. Sometimes, it’s just a snippet of conversation in my head, or it’s a secondary character that intrigued me in another book, an idea that comes to me… And I just go with it. I’ve probably plotted more in the last couple years than I have in my entire career, and that’s mostly with the Albion’s Circle series—because there is an overriding plot arc through the whole series. It’s not working on just one book, one story. I have to keep track and plan so that each book has some satisfying resolution but still leads into the the next book and continuation of the overall conflict/plot of the series.

Jass: That's amazing how little you both go off of! I know from my experience writing prose, I find it very difficult to get started.  And I feel you both about being a total  pantser-like must attract like-but that’s totally me with my playwriting. I seem to have a similar M.O. actually. I hear/see a scene first and then write. So it’s interesting that when writing a play all I need is a snippet, like yourselves, but prose I find far more challenging. I love what you said about looking for characters needs/wants. It's a great place to understand the conflict then. In theatre we talk about it in terms of objectives: what's the goal? With the conflict becoming what gets in the way of achieving that goal. So while on this track,

What would you say makes a strong conflict?

JJ: Oh boy, I don’t have an easy answer for this one. I think anything could potentially be a strong conflict if written well. If the conflict is written is a way that is believable and relatable then it works. I tend to identify with, and write more, internal conflict. Give me the angsty feels, and I’m a fan for life. I eat it up with a spoon. Don’t get me wrong, external conflict is always a good thing, but I really love the emotional side of what pushes a character to do what he/she does. What gets in the way of their happiness, what is holding them back. A book (or more) that excels in having strong relatable internal or external conflict: I think Bron’s Out of Sync nails internal conflict. It’s brilliantly done, and it is a book I go back to again and again for that reason. For external conflict? I love Kris Norris’ books for that. I’m actually envious of her writing in that regard because I feel external conflict is something I’m not very strong with, to be honest. But it’s something I keep working on.

BG: I think we first have to look at what kinds of conflict we’re talking about. I’m of the opinion that stories need both internal and external conflicts, and ideally, they should feed off each other. Internal/personal/emotional conflict is all about what the characters bring to the story. Their baggage, if you will. This kind of conflict arises from the insecurities, emotional scars, and past trauma that everyone has experienced at some level. For example, a fear of abandonment, unworthiness, guilt, etc. The conflict arises when the main characters’ wants and needs clash. This is the sort of conflict that can’t be solved with a simple conversation. It requires personal growth—usually on the parts of both characters. External or situational conflict arises from the plot. It can be anything from a hostile business takeover to a scientific breakthrough to an archaeological dig to video game development to opening a specialty cupcake store (are those still a thing?) to killing vampires to saving the world. In a romance, the internal/emotional/personal conflict is usually the stronger of the two—unless you’re writing romantic suspense, and then it’s pretty much even. In other genres, I think it’s a fairly even division, unless we’re talking young adult and literary fiction, those also tend more toward personal or emotional conflict. All that said, I think almost anything can make a strong conflict - particularly a strong emotional conflict - as long it's believable and relatable and as long as the reader both sees and feels the impact on the characters.

Jass: That's a great way to break conflict up and I couldn't agree more. I've found a lot of times I had trouble getting through a book, it was because the characters internal life was lacking and the stakes weren't high enough to invest in them.

Is there a book (or more) in particular you find excels at having a strong, relatable, internal and external conflict?

BG: Please believe me when I tell you that I don’t say this lightly, or because she’s my BFF, but Jarman’s Albion’s Circle series EXCELS at internal and external conflict. The stakes are incredibly high, and get higher with each book in the series. And with what’s coming, I’m kind of wanting to huddle in the corner. Oh, and Nothing Serious, one of her BOUND books has some of my very favorite conflict ever. That book gave me all the feels. And obviously, Jenny Trout’s Boss series is teeming with well-drawn conflict - internal and external. We won’t even talk about The Baby... The internal conflict in Charlotte Stein’s Intrusion is a beautiful, beautiful thing. As much as I love that book, I don’t think the external conflict got as much of the attention as perhaps it should have. But that book is a re-reader for me because of the internal conflict. Both characters’ issues are apparent, even though it’s told in first person, single narrator. It’s one of my very favorites in the history of ever.

Jass: Great books list... I obvs agree with Albion circle as I devoured three books in three days. SERIOUSLY, THREE DAYS-THREE BOOKS!…And still sniffle over the third! Ms. Jarman! (Also, side note, Jessica watched Bronwyn read the third and cry on her couch! That sick puppy! :P)

JJ: MWAH! *blush* you guys…I’m just happy you like Albion. I love it so much. So much I want to cry sometimes. And am DYING to finish the next one. *ahem* May be a bit dramatic today, just saying. :)

Jass: Jessica deserves to get as dramatic as she wants—it’s a very good series! I don’t read romance much/at all, but there’s more than enough action to satisfy me. It's also done in multiple POV, so you get the emotional lives, and internal conflict of many characters. This is very hard to do, and particularly difficult to do well...Jess does it well. But building on this issue of conflict…

How do you know when you've written a solid conflict for your characters? How often do you go back and revise it?

JJ: I’ll be honest. I don’t think my conflict game is as strong as it should be. It’s something that I struggle with daily. Usually, what happens as I’m pantsing my way through the story is that I’ll get to a 1/3 or 1/2 way finished, and I squint at it from multiple angles and decide that I need to make things shittier for my characters, and after I figure out exactly how to do that, I go back and layer more stuff into the section I’ve already written. Not terribly scientific, I know. :/

BG: Sometimes, the conflict ups itself naturally from groundwork I laid without even realizing it. That happened in Finding You and in Eventide. Suddenly, there were these surprise jolts that cranked things way up for the protagonists, and all I could do was sit there and think… "thanks for looking out for me, brain.”

JJ: [In terms of revising] I fall back on “Trust your story; trust your characters”. I repeat that to myself so many times while writing, it’s a constant loop in my head. I really let the characters lead the story. And I have great beta readers I trust, who will be honest with me. Brutally so, if needed. As for how often I’ll revise? However many times it takes.

BG: I try to listen to the story, but often, I still don’t feel like I’m nailing the conflict like I want to. But that’s one of the things I’m actively working on. :)

Jass: It sounds like you both have a great, organic way of coming up with conflict! It seems like you pay attention to the worlds you are creating, which is awesome because one of my reader peeves is forced drama. Particularly the dreaded girlfriend in a refrigerator trope. If you can’t find a way to create drama without a woman being used as a prop…then I’m sorry but IMO you’re a crappy writer: Whether that’s novels, television, comics, or movies. The migraines I get from my exaggerated eye-rolling-I tell you what! Jenny Trout's [another writer and friend of Bron’s and Jess’] been reviewing Appolonia...and the forced and shallow "conflict" kills me. I was surprised to learn the book wasn't over at the latest recap because it feels so long. I honestly don’t know how she inflicts such pain on herself by not only continuing to read the thing, but trying to analyze it as well. How do you breakdown nothing?!

But that’s a great point you raise Bronwyn about not always feeling like you’ve nailed what you wanted; I feel that way with endings a lot of the time. Like I kind of got what I wanted but not really...which is a nice segue!

What have been your favourite endings? How do you like to wrap up one-shots vs. Books you know you want to make a series?

BG: I also struggle with endings - lol. And I wish I could tell you I loved them all, but I was pretty pleased with the ending of Rising Blood. And I was proud of the big black moment in Drawn That Way, buuuuttttt…that’s not really an ending. OH! Out of Sync. I did like that one quite a bit.

JJ: Endings…endings are tough, yo. LOL I struggle with them, sometimes, but I’ve been happy with the endings of all of my books—even though some of them were difficult to write. Difficult in the sense of coming up with an ending that wraps everything up and is satisfying. I guess if I had to choose a favorite ending…I’d have to say I was very pleased with the ending of London Bound. They made me happy. :) Endings in a series can be tricky. In Albion’s Circle, particularly, because there is so much happening throughout the series that it’s a balancing act—having some things resolved at the end of each book, but the big stuff isn’t…that continues in the next book and beyond. It is honestly one of the hardest things I’ve done as an author, writing a series like this, as opposed to a series of connected books that are essentially one-shots. And that’s where the plotting comes into play. I have an outline for the series. A loose one, but I know all the main events that happen in each book, what does get resolved in each, etc. The pantser in me rebelled but it really needed to be done that way.

BG: Most of my series don’t feature the same protagonist in each book. Typically, subsequent books are about secondary characters from previous books, so they’re *almost” written like one shots. In those stories, nearly everything about the main characters are wrapped up, but there might be some open story threads that tie into next book in the series, or, in the case of the Witch Way series, the first book’s threads tied more directly to the third. Thus far, only my YA features the same protagonist all the way through. And that’s definitely a tricker wrap-up. You have to have enough resolution to satisfy the reader, but leave enough unanswered questions to make them want to read the next book. Since I’m not a plotter, I’m pretty much deciding what to wrap up and what to leave hanging entirely by feel as I’m getting closer to the end.

Jass: That makes sense. I wrote my first novella for nanowrimo last November. Nothing to write home about, but I struggled with how to end it because I can see it continuing. I didn't know how final it should be. If I wasn't working against the clock, I'd probably have driven myself insane trying to make it just right. Luckily I was just focused on finishing to over think it.

BG: You were doing NANO?

Jass: I did do it-first time, total pantser, 4 days late. And that right there says nearly everything about me!

BG: I saw a meme that said something like, “I’ve run out of excuses. I’m late because of who I am as a person.” That pretty much sums up my life. So, I feel you. But hey - you finished!

Jass: LOL! I’m right with you; and yes, I did finish. Kind of. Still working on an ending—to come full circle! But I actually want to go back a little to Jess’ comments about having good beta readers. I think this is  a really important part of the creative process. For those that don’t know; beta readers are kind of like editors in the sense they read your work for you and offer feedback about the story and how they interpret it, feel about it, what’s interesting, what drags, etc. So that brings me to my next question-

What do you consider effective or useful criticism/suggestions when writing a book?

I know for myself, not being precious about my work is always a tough thing to do. We have a theatre mantra: hold on tightly, let go lightly. Which basically translates into create and nurture your work, protect it...but then let it go. Make it a gift and share it.

JJ: Effective and useful criticism? I’m incredibly lucky in the beta readers I have. I know they have my best interests at heart, and I trust them wholeheartedly. They are always specific in their criticism—pointing out exactly what isn’t working and why they think that is, and they are always willing to brainstorm with me and help me fix it. And that is invaluable. It's hard to hear something isn’t working in a book, or something is missing. And, to be honest, no matter who it comes from, there’s always the knee-jerk reaction of “What? No way, how DARE YOU?” LOL But it doesn’t last long because of all the things I mentioned before—the trust and knowing what’s behind the criticism.

BG: Hmmmm…effective and useful criticism, huh? I’ll admit, criticism used to make me wilt and feel like I totally sucked at everything. But I have a somewhat healthier outlook, now. And a slightly thicker skin. :) First and foremost, I love my beta readers because they’re not only honest in what’s working for them and what isn’t, they’re also incredibly specifc. Specifics can make all the difference during the editing process. It’s one thing to hear that the pacing is slow in parts - and it’s another for them to point at exactly where it’s slow. It makes fixing it easier. My CPs are committed to helping me tell the best stories possible. I think the most important kind of criticism is honest - even if it sucks to hear. Yep - honesty is literally the most important and effective thing when critiquing. Unfortunately, I think a lot of time, people tell authors what they think the authors want to hear as opposed to how they might actually be feel about a book for fear of hurting the authors' feelings. Jess and I are both editors for our company, Round Table Author Services. I think we’ve both had experiences with clients whose beta readers have "loved everything" about their novels, and when they received edits from us, they’re blindsided by the disparity between our responses vs. their beta readers’ responses. This isn’t to say that Jess and I are going on a great big hate-fest every time we edit a book. Our edits are kind, but firm, and in addition to being thorough, we pride ourselves on being honest with our clients. Avoiding the truth, whether you’re doing a favor for a friend or a favorite author or you’re an industry professional, doesn’t help the author put their best work forward.

Jass: I don’t want to sound biased, because I obviously consider the two of you as friends, but I think that’s really what separates good writers, from great writers-That ability to take constructive feedback and criticism well. If you’re serious about your craft (whatever it is), then, even while it hurts, you should be open to areas of improvement. I’m not surprised that both of you respond well to honest critique, and that you both give it as well. I think it says a lot about your professionalism. Well before I spend too much of your time, and since this is a blog about books… I guess I'll just end with:

What is one book everyone should read, and why? Feel free to choose titles you've already said and elaborate! :)

BG: One of our books or one of someone else’s?

Jass: Whichever you prefer. Either!Or! Both! :)

BG: Okay, so for books everyone should read… (Heads up, I’m about to be a big cheaterpants.) For children’s fiction, I’m going to say The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch. TPBP is brilliant story on so many levels. It shows the importance of peaceful and clever actions as opposed to violence, substance and character over superficiality, and I think, most important of all, the necessity of loving yourself enough not to settle for someone who wants you to change to meet their expectations of who you should be - even if that means walking away from that person.

The second book I’m going to toss out is The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. I’ve loved this book for the last 20-some years - hated the movie, though. However, the story that once made me even more aware of the daily micro-aggressions against women now utterly terrifies me, because apparently Atwood is some kind of prophet since western civilization - the U.S. in particular - is sitting far closer to becoming The Republic of Gilead than I ever would have imagined possible. I think it’s an important read because as society works to chip away at women and other minorities' basic rights, many people tend to become emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed and turn away from the situation and just assume it’ll all turn out okay without us needing to say or do anything about it. And instead, we already find ourselves living in a world where white people kill people of color with next to no consequences, where a woman’s ability to govern her own body is not a forgone conclusion, where LGBTQA people are persecuted on a daily basis. Is reading THMT going to fix that? No. But, I feel like it might help open people’s eyes to the sort of nightmare we’re heading for if things continue the way they have been.

I would be remiss if I didn’t suggest one of my girl, Jarman’s books. She’s truly one of the most talented writers I know of and happily have the privilege of being friends with. Disclaimer: even if we weren’t friends, I’d still love her work. Jess’ books have a depth of emotion and angst that I adore. They’re beautifully written, and her characters are so real. I know you’ve read the first three Albion books, so the book I’m recommending is another of my all-time faves of hers: Nothing Serious. At the heart of this love story that’s funny, scorchingly hot, and heartbreaking are two guys who are denying some of the most important parts of themselves and their lives for others. I think a lot of us do that - put our own needs last often at the detriment of our happiness. Which isn’t to say that I think everyone should run about being selfish jerks - just that consistently putting ourselves last is not only bad for us, it’s bad for the people we love since they’re not getting the best version of us, either. And this story illustrates that perfectly.

I’ll admit, it’s a lot easier to evangelize about other people’s books than try to say something positive about mine without feeling like a braggy jerk. But that’s one of those bullshit socialization things, isn’t it? Oft times, we see men who speak positively about their work as confident and women who do the same as braggarts, and so we typically tend to not say anything. GAH. I’m having angst. But in an attempt to be confident, I’m going to add Drawn That Way to the list. It was recently mentioned on a book blog as being a feminist romance, which, as you can imagine from my earlier book recs, thrilled me to no end. DTW is a geeky romance set in video game design company. I’d be lying if I said that Rory, the hero, who’s a bit socially awkward, and Tristan, the heroine, who’s maybe a little impulsive, weren’t special to me. I love their humor, their passion and even their flaws. I enjoyed delving into the sexism rampant in video game culture, consent and sexual harassment in the workplace. I also love strong women who aren’t in competition with other women. Writing this book was really important to me for a variety of reasons, but one of the most important is that someone I once knew said I’d be terrible at writing books in this subgenre. But I think it turned out quite well. And what started out as being something to “prove” turned into a story I really love. [Jass: Yeah Girl!]

Damn, that was a long answer. Sorry about that!

Jass: No apologies needed! That was a fantastic answer, on a super hard question! I know, it’s not really fair to ask about a few favourites-it’s a near impossible task! Also I recently read The Handmaid's Tale, and I agree 100% with everything you said! It blew me away; and the writing is so vivid and filled with tension and oppression and hope. Just so beautiful and jarring.

BG: That book is just so amazing. I’m so glad you loved it, too! My son, Corwin, just read it - he had to choose a “college-level” book for English class. He liked it, but it depressed the hell out of him. I keep thinking about re-reading it, but I’m not sure that emotionally I’m up for it at the moment.
We were at my mom’s, and I was trying to work her stove and all it has are numbers and pictographs, and I couldn’t figure out what anything did, and yelled, “What kind of Handmaid’s Tale level of bullshit is this?” Corwin died laughing and had to explain it to everyone else.

Jass: LMAO! Wow, what a smarty! It’s not an easy book either, it's fairly dense with subtext and subtle hints at social problems! I'm calling it-You are raising Corwin right! What about you Jarman? Hit me with your best shot!

JJ: I can’t just say one book! That’s…that’s…impossible! So I’m going to recommend more than one, because I can. Jane’s Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. OMG I can’t tell you how much I adore this book. I’ve read it so many times over the years and still read it at least once a year now. And what it comes down to, I think? While there is plenty of external conflict—most of it stemming from the society and culture in which it’s set—internal conflict galore. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy? Please, behold the King and Queen of Internal Conflict, my friends. Where is my spoon, because I’m ready to eat it up?! 

I’m going to recommend one of Bron’s, of course. I’m super lucky to be friends with her and working on the Bound series with her, but I read her stuff before we became friends and loved it. She has a way of crafting a story that just pulls you in immediately, and you find yourself relating to and loving her characters in a very real way. Specifically? As I mentioned, Out of Sync is one I go back to again and again. The internal conflict….oh my, it just ticks all my boxes, no matter how many times I read it. I adore James and Morgan to no end. 

And I will go against everything ingrained in me and recommend one of my own. My friends (including Bron) and I have talked a lot about this—how it’s so hard to talk positively and recommend our own work. As if, by doing so, we are bragging or thinking too highly of ourselves. Well, I’m going to shake off that BS, here it goes… If I had to say read anything of mine—it would either the Bound books, which I’m incredibly proud of, or the Albion Circle series. Albion’s Circle means so much to me—the story, the characters made me fall in love with writing again. I laugh and cry while I’m writing these books, and they are truly something special to me.

Jass: Your best shot is very strong indeed! I felt it! Pride and Prejudice is definitely a classic, although I have to admit I haven't actually read the book; I've only watched the BBC version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth (a few hundred times). I'm terrible, I know. Well, I think that’s all the time we have for! I absolutely loved talking to you gals about writing, and books. You’re both fabulous- THANK YOU SO MUCH!

So that’s it fine readers! Thanks for following along! Please check out Bronwyn and Jessica’s books: They are fantastic writers, and lovely people. You can catch them at:

Brownyn Green: Blog|Twitter| Books
Jessica Jarman:  Blog | Twitter| Books

I would definitely suggest following them on twitter, especially if you enjoy witty comments on popular culture and television!

Until next time my loves!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Classic Stays a Classic

Happy St. Patrick's Day friends!
Here we are this fine, green, day with a brand new blog post about a not so new book.
I'm not going to lie, I don't have much to say about this post's book-but I'll do what I can!

Jumping straight in, we have-

Book #7 A Book You Haven't Read Since Highschool

So, when I first saw this category, I was quite excited because it reminded me of all the books I loved as a kid (Yes, I'm old enough to think of  teenage years as nothing but older children now---I only cry sometimes) and revisit them. I joyously pondered which of my old literary friends I would be reintroduced to...and it didn't matter because the choice was made for me by one of my students.

My grade 12 English student was reading Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and needed help with it, in a few weeks I inadvertently read the entire small book. Now to be fair, I could just read a different book to scratch this off the list, but according to my data I'm already behind, so that won't be happening.

Which means:
Lets talk about Mice and Men baby,
Lets talk about George and Lennie.
Lets talk about all the other ranch hands
and Depression Era American poverty!

Well look at that- main characters, setting, and theme all good and done! And to the tune of Salt-N-Pepa, no less! That's my work done then- go home you crazy folks!

But seriously, when I first read this book, I had a super hard time getting into it. I always got bored before I finished the first chapter. It could have been because I was a teenager more interested in watching Digimon, or it could have been my complete lack of interest in the subject matter...whatever it was, I never finished the book. That's one of the best things about revisiting this particular novel-I actually got to finish it.

Like I said, I don't really have much to say about this book. It's a solid story that has stood the test of time: People still read it, schools still teach it...and in many ways it really shows the harsher reality of the "American Dream". Of course the book is also a product of its time; which means it has language that we (rightly) find offensive now, but does teach a lesson about alienation and loneliness.

The book's biggest strength is definitely its foreshadowing and ability to show layers of relationship and social structure all in the subtext of the dialogue the characters have. So much is told about the characters, time period, and people in a few short pages.

I don't know if I want to openly promote this book, but its not a bad one to read. Its well written, especially if you can get past the first two chapters, and pulls at the heartstrings.

That's all for this post I guess!
Be sure to join me for the next post-It's a special one!  I'll be interviewing two authors about their processes and favourite books! They're two delightful ladies who have some great insights!

Until next time friends!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Peculiar Post

Well, I meant to read 3/4 books a month to finish this challenge by the end of the year- Unless I read a book in a day (one of the goals) tomorrow, I've failed this month. I fully, unabashedly, blame this on February. I don't have any facts/statistics/ proof to back this up; but it's well known to me that this month makes people slower and lazier.  To my loyal readers, I'm sorry it has taken so long for a blog update...you can thank February for that. February is the worst.
Please enjoy this picture of my dog sleeping in the sun, to get over the tuttie* that is February. *Means poop in Punjabi

In more exciting news, because it is the end of the month...it's time for another round of Reader Appreciation Awards! Coincidentally falling on the same night as the Oscars! The only difference between them, is my awards aren't tangible, about films, or selected by old white men. So lets move on to the award!

This year's award goes to a group of lovely people: The Crooks and Nannies Crew! They are a wonderful writers group, that I have the honour of being a part of, filled with tons of talent and passion. Thanks for reading! This one's for you!
Now we get to the meat of the post--1)What category have I crossed off my list? 2)Which book have I read? and 3)What will I have for dinner?
In order my friends:
Book #6: A Book that's Becoming a Movie this Year
I read the particularly pleasant piece: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Lastly, I have no idea. Question number three is still currently a mystery.
Since I can't tell you what I'll have for dinner, let me tell you more about Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (MPHFPC)  by Ransom Riggs. Whose name is kind of ridiculous, but explains his fondness of alliteration. I mean why would you name a child ransom? Did the doctor mistakenly see a kidnapping and assume it was a naming?

My theory on how Ransom Riggs got his name

Absent-minded Doctor enters room with official forms.
Scared mother looks relieved and ready to call for help, as a vaudevillian villain twirls his mustache while holding new baby Riggs.
Mother: Doctor thank goodness you're here...call the-
Doctor: Yes, sorry it took so long. Have you decided on a name for the new baby?
Mother: (Frantic) He's trying to hold him for ransom-quick the pol-
Doctor: Aww, holding Ransom you say? Odd name but I've signed off on worse! (Goodnatured, old man, chuckle)
Mother: What? No! Do you not see this comically out of place man? This is an emergency!
Villain cackles.
Doctor: Not at all, Ransom Riggs has a fine ring to it. I'm sure he'll only be bullied a little. Well that's that then, paperwork all done.
Doctor Leaves.
Both Mother and Villain too surprised to do anything and thus we are given Ransom Riggs.

I guess we'll never know how the author got his name, but I like to think I'm not far off the mark.
Luckily we know how his book, which went on to become a trilogy, came into being...and it's a pretty cool tale.

Ransom is a collector of old photographs and approached a publisher about using some for a children's photo book. The publisher thought he should go a step further and use the photographs to tell a narrative. I have to say, reading the story-he did a really great job of taking the photos (which are shown in the novel) and building a truly engrossing tale around them.

There's this interesting suspense he builds, and the photographs add a touch of reality and an almost supernatural feel. As if writing the subjects into new characters has reanimated them. There were moments that after reading about a character, and then seeing the old picture they were based off of, I got some rather unexpected butterflies. Admittedly, old Victorian stuff kind of freaks me out to begin with. Like those creepy ass death albums? Or dolls with children's hair? WT Serious F old-timey people? So I can't guarantee the photos will give you the same feeling, but regardless there is a visceral and intimate response; like you've been let in on a secret, you were never supposed to know but are now responsible for keeping it.

I don't want to give too much away about this book, because at its core it is a mystery/horror (I don't think it's a horror but it has the elements I suppose). I also can't wait to see how they make the film, as I will definitely be watching it.

This book, about a boy named Jacob Portman, who grew up on his grandfather's stories of strange children he lived with during WWII, had me hooked in a way the first Harry Potter book did. The action is immediate, and the character's internal life is so well defined. The writer has a real gift at creating mood and atmosphere. You feel Jacob's wonder at his grandfather Abe's (A Jewish man, who somehow escaped the Nazi's invasion as a child, and made it to a safe house in Wales) tales of a magical place, filled with children who could do fantastic things like: Create fire (Pyrokinetic), levitate, have super strength, etc. You understand the bond the two share instantly. Then you quickly feel Jacob's heartbreak of realizing the tales you believed when you were young, were nothing but fictions. It's such a beautifully sad truth of growing up, that it's hard not to feel it with our protagonist.  Jacob feels let down by his grandfather, but still wants to believe. Then tragedy strikes and Jacob is forced to believe.

The story is an adventure tale that touches on growing up, social class division, depression and meds, and family relationships.

Jacob's father, married a very wealthy woman, and thus has an inferiority complex for relying on her. (Ugh!Get over it men! Women can also make money/be wealthy, without it affecting your fragile masculinity. I mean, she's already chosen you to marry-relax!) His defining feature is his desire to be a writer, but inability to actually finish a book. It's a sore spot for him, which has him convinced that his wife will leave him eventually.

Meanwhile, all we really learn of Jacob's mother, is that she enjoys renovating her big home and showing it off to others. There is a scene where Jacob overhears her telling a friend how happy she is that her son and husband are going away for a month, so she can get her life back for some time without worrying about two babies. I wasn't overly fond of this moment.

I won't get into Miss Peregrine or her peculiar children, because I don't want to ruin the reveal. However, if you really want to know-there's always google!

I do recommend reading this one, I can't wait to get started on the sequels. There are definitely some slow parts, and a few moments I cringed at, but all in all a pretty good read. The past, and present blend near seamlessly,  and the fantastical elements of the world have set rules that seem plausible for, you know, made-up stuff. You can tell research went into this book, beyond the photographs. So...go! Go read it! It's only eleven chapters and for children!

That's that then folks-See you in March!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Western Odyssey

Welcome back to another riveting segment of "Jass Reads Books". She truly does, ladies and gentlemen, she truly does. Occasionally she even likes them! This was not that occasion.
Which is particularly sad, because this book has been on my list for a LONG time and has one of the most captivating covers ever. I would stare at the cover in bookstores, and convince myself not to get it because "don't judge a book by its cover!" Which is actually crap. The cover has the synopsis! How else am I supposed to judge the book, pre-reading? Wikipedia the thing and read all of the character info and plot, sometimes chapter by chapter? Who has time for that? I'll tell you who...me. I've totally done that.

Sometimes the cover doesn't tell enough. Then what am I supposed to do? Read it because I might like it? Hells no, I am incapable of not finishing a book once I start...I can count how many times I've just stopped reading before finishing in recent memory: Once, it was the second book in the divergent series, but I wanted to stop on the first. (I rolled my eyes so many times, I thought I'd given myself brain damage.) So if I get conned into reading a dull book ("dull" in my opinion-which is essentially the only one that matters to a) Me and b) This blog) I'm usually stuck with it. That's around 24-48 hours of my time used unwisely. If I really don't like the book, maybe longer, because I'll delay finishing it. I can't take that kind of risk-so wiki!

Another reason I wanted to read the book I've chosen was because after hemming and hawing over whether I should read it or not...It won a ridiculous amount of awards and attention. It was also from a Canadian author who was born on the island. So local Canadian. Although he actually (currently) lives in Portland (Of course he does), has for a while, and was definitely there when writing the book.

So without further ado...because I'm just stalling writing about this book...I give you-

BOOK #5: A Book from the Library

The book I chose to read, and gave such a favorable introduction to, is The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt. As mentioned this book has garnered a lot of praise and won the:

  • 75th Governor General's Literary Award
  • Roger's Writers' Trust Fiction Prize
  • Stephen Leacock Medal
  • Award for Best Fiction (Canadian Booksellers Association Libris Awards)
  • 2012 Canadian Authors Association Award for Fiction
And was shortlisted for a bunch of other prizes, including the prestigious Man Booker Prize. What have these awards told me? That the selections committee can't read. I mean "Canadian Booksellers"? That doesn't inspire literacy confidence...it inspires confidence in selling books. Am I right?

(Disclaimer: I am not right, and the author of this blog would like to apologize for stating those responsible for awarding various prizes cannot read. I'm sure they can. The truth is, I do not know their reading levels, and it is more likely that they just have bad taste)

There was a lot of hype about this book, and again the cover is so rad. Just look at it! 

The best part.
The book started off well, and I actually really enjoyed it. A western inspired novel that takes place in Oregon and California during 1851: It's centers around Eli Sisters, and his brother Charlie. They're guns for hire and have a bad reputation. Eli is tall and chubby, and gives himself a small eating disorder to impress a hotel owner. He gives this up when his brother tells him he was trying to impress a prostitute, not someone actually interested in him. You feel bad for Eli because you learn early on that he doesn't really enjoy his life. Instead he fantasizes about settling down and opening up a general store with a wife who can love him. The crash diet he puts himself on stuck in my mind because it's a reversal of the beauty standards we place on women. He is told by a woman she doesn't like fat men, and he responds by basically not eating, and hating his body. He does go right back to chowing down and pretty much forgetting the woman, but for a moment there was a halfway realized remark on social issues. 

Speaking of women: There is an interesting dynamic in this book's portrayal of female/male (heterosexual) relations. I'm not sure if it was trying to make a comment, or just didn't know how to end interactions, but Eli literally pays every woman he meets and spends any time with. It may be nothing, but I just found it super odd. He gives a big tip to the hotel owner so she can pay off her loans, he leaves $100 for an ill woman he meets and imagines a romance with, and I think there's another example but I refuse to re-read any section of the book. The last woman is his mother, who he wants to go visit by the end of the novel and his one thought is of where on his cheek, she will kiss him, and how nice it will all feel.

Eli admits he likes the idea of someone loving him (no reciprocation), over actually being in a loving relationship. So while the author goes through the trouble of pointing out how sympathetic Eli is and compassionate compared to his trigger happy, easily angered brother...he's pretty freaking selfish and egocentric. 

Also pretty much every woman in the story was a "whore" (literally) except for the old lady who was a witch (Assumed to be literally). What could this mean? You tell me! In all fairness, historically speaking it may make sense that they have the most interaction with a prostitute than someone else. 
But still!

Now lets talk about the episodic nature of this book, shall we? I've labelled this post the Western Odyssey because the plot is inspired by the west/goldrush and moves along in contained scenes, with random adventures thrown in. Some reviewers have said it feels more like movie frames than a book...I agree.
(I don't do summaries but you can find one here.)

Each chapter is its own event and once it concludes, that's kind of that. This was also the main reason I got so bored with this book. When I first started reading it, I kept going for awhile because the writing is actually VERY good. The pace is set nicely and you're getting into the world. However when I put it down, I had a hard time picking it back up. It took me much longer than it should have to finish this book, and it's because the momentum it builds-goes nowhere. Things just happen and then they're over. There's a whole chapter on Eli getting a tooth infection and having to see a dentist who Charlie then robs. That's it. The take away is that Eli learns to brush his teeth and really enjoys it, and they have a bottle of the freezing stuff dentists use (which to be fair does play a role in the novel later on but nothing meaningful).

There's also strange meetings with random folks (much like Homer's classic) that side track the main plot but don't really do much. For instance we get the scene with the "witch" who invited the brothers into her hut for the night, and is gone in the morning. She leaves behind some talisman or something on the door and the brothers are convinced they will be cursed if they touch it. So Charlie squeezes through a window (Eli doesn't fit) and goes to find something that will allow Eli to leave without touching the hex either. As it happens, Eli does end up touching the door to save his horse (named Tub and my favourite character) from a bear. (Exit pursued by bear). He then thinks about how his brother wouldn't touch the door to save him, but he was willing to do it for a horse. He also thinks about the jinx he must be under from time to time...but otherwise we are done with this moment. What effect did it have on the overall story? As far as I can tell...none. Maybe more enlightened readers can fill me in on what I'm missing.

The climax is also a let down and the ending is just there. Everything wraps up and the brothers move in with their mom. While the imagery and humor is strong...again it is well written, it just doesn't sustain itself in terms of objective and momentum. Eli's "change" is disconnected and kind of forced on the reader without the book really backing it up. Although the author does use the biggest movie trope to quickly show a "good person". Movie-making 101 if you have to show your protagonist is a caring, "good" person in minimal time? Give them an animal they treat well. Particularly if they are meant to be tough and a bad ass. It allows the audience to empathize with the character quickly, and get on their side. 

DeWitt does this through Eli's journey with Tub (the horse) and I think this is his way of showing Eli's big change of heart and growth...but it doesn't really.  Eli himself is narrating the story as a past tale, so his reliability is already questionable.

Final thoughts? Don't bother reading this tale. It's not as absurd as it promises, and not as quick as it says. Just wait for the movie if you're interested.